young and versatile Russian musician: lute and guitar player, composer and music director.
Was born on 17 of April 1988 in the small town Ukhta, Republic Komi, northern provence of Russia. Starts his music education at the age of 9 playing accordion. At 13 starts to play guitar as a self-taught and 2003-2007 study classical guitar at Republic Komi Art College (graduated with diploma cum laude). 2007 moves to St Petersburg to study classical guitar and composition at St.Petersburg Conservatory. At the Conservatory attended different optional subjects - orchestra conducting, historical performance practice, harpsichord and basso continuo.
In 2019 has been awarded a Swiss Excellence Scholarship and been accepted to master studies at Schola Cantorum Basiliensis with Hopkinson Smith.
Since 2011 plays lute and focuses on early plucked instruments, lutes and XIX c. guitars. Visited several master-classes dedicated to lute (by Evangelina Mascardi, Xavier Diaz-Latorre, Hopkinson Smith and Giuseppe Petrella) and early music (by Andrew Lawrence-King). Taking a part in many important early music events in Russia and Ukraine as a basso continuo player, plays in regular productions of Andrew Lawrence-King at N.Sats Theater and Helikon Opera (Moscow)
Played at leading music festivals of Russia: Early music (St Petersburg), Dyaghilev Festival (Perm) La Renaissance (Moscow) and others, as soloist also played at most prestigious stages of Russia, such as Great Hall of St Petersburg Philarmonie, Tchaykovsky Hall of Moscow Philarmonie and many others.
Won the 3rd Prise at Maurizio Pratola Early Music Competition (L'Aquila, Italy, 2015) in solo lute section and 3rd prize at prestigious Van Wassenaer Competition (Utrecht, 2016) together with Barocco Concertato ensemble.
Collaborate with best early music ensembles of Moscow and St.Petersburg as basso continuo player and soloist, such as Barocco Concertato, Soloists of Catherine the Great, La Voce Stromentale, Pocket Symphony, Tañedores. As the other significant collaboration should be particularly mentioned concerts with Lé Poeme Harmonique (Moscow, 8-9 of October 2015). Konstantin is art director of Renaissance orchestra of St Petersburg and early music band Reditus, also music director of the annual historical festival Golden Age (Alexandria park, Peterhof, Russia).
Makes master-classes in different Conservatories of Russia and Ukraine and also Summer Schools for lute and classical guitar players.
Rarely plays in popular genres: worked with Peter Nalitch (Eurovision finalist), Yaroslav Bayarunas (pop and rock singer), Asya Sergeyeva (folk harpist) and rock bands like SIGIMUR and Shadow Suite (heavy metal).
As composer works in different genres of vocal, instrumental and electronic music, combining different genres, styles and techniques, also making movie and theater sountracks.